08 May

We live in a century of digital advertisement. Where consumers pay thousands monthly to get their Ads on the air, where people can watch them. So, what are Sticky Banners? The names define it all. These banners stick to your window if you consciously scrolling through the website. If you reI till the end, these banners will pop up.

What are Sticky Banners?

This is the type of floating advertisement. That you can attach to your website to promote and advertise your products. These can also be used in even promotion. Sticky banners remain visible even when you are scrolling through your desirable content. But you can see the website content as these are transparent ads.

Different Types Of These Banners:

Universally, there are only two types of these banners. That is almost everywhere on the internet. These banners come in two types:

  • Horizontally placed
  • Vertically placed

Horizontally Placed Banner: this type comes in a form if landscape view. That is placed at the bottom of the website. While you are still looking through its content.

Vertically Placed Banner: This type gives more freedom to the people surfing on the internet. As it comes in a portrait view. Sitting stationary on the right side of your page. You will find this type of advertising more as you cannot minimize it.

But with horizontal banners, you have the freedom to minimize the advertising. You will find a horizontal banner on social media more compared to digital shopping websites.

Is It Beneficial For Your Business?

With modernization, the digital world has become a different marketplace of your own. Where you can sell, make, and pay for your brand.

  • Banners have been proved to be most beneficial to the consumers, businesses, and event organizers.
  • As they pay a large sum of money to add revenues, to showcase their ads.
  • The more ads you watch OK your screen, the more money those-businesses made.
  • Sticky ads are a form of promotion and getting revenues as well.
  • There are thousands of people that click on ads to buy something that has caught their eye.
  • If your promotional banners are made creatively, they can give your website a promotional value.
  • It is an easy way to make money as YouTubers get ad revenues by adding many banners in their videos.
  • You can easily customize it the way you want.

Disadvantages Of Sticky Banners:

With advantages come the disadvantages too:

  • It can a toll on your view ability because many people get annoyed with continuous ad.
  • It can take a lot of space on your website.
  • There are so many official e-commerce websites that do not allow their creators to post banners.
  • With that option, it can be a hurdle in revenue.
  • It can ruin your website look completely. If you don’t know how to place these banner correctly then find experienced company.

The Ways You Can Customize It:

The best thing about Sticky Banners is the complete freedom of customization:

  • You can use it for your business.
  • You can use it creatively for any event promotion.
  • You can customize it in a way to show your support for some cause. The options are endless.
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